How One Swiss Business Boosted Lead Conversions by 125% – And How You Can Too!

How One Swiss Business Boosted Lead Conversions by 125% – And How You Can Too!

October 15, 20244 min read

4 Minute Read

Posted by: Roberto Dal Corso

Swiss professional services office with team members using Conversion Boosters to increase lead conversions by 125%

The Challenge: Plenty of Leads, But Few Conversions

Ever feel like you’re doing everything right, yet somehow the results aren’t adding up? That’s where our client was. They had a solid stream of leads, thanks to their marketing efforts, but those leads just weren’t turning into booked appointments.

If you’re in a service business, you know the story. Leads come in, but some slip through the cracks, others lose interest, and before you know it, you’re left wondering where they all went. The interest was there, but something was missing to make that crucial connection.

The Solution: Meet the Conversion Boosters

So, we put our heads together and came up with a simple but effective idea: Conversion Boosters. Think of Conversion Boosters as a friendly, dedicated team whose sole job is to jump on every lead within 5-10 minutes. Their goal? Have a genuine conversation with each lead, figure out what they need, and—if it’s a match—book a meeting with the sales team.

It’s not about the hard sell. It’s about creating a connection at just the right time, so that potential clients feel understood, valued, and ready to take the next step.

And here’s why it works so well: reaching out within minutes keeps that initial excitement alive. Think about it—when someone clicks “submit” on an inquiry form, they’re actively interested right then. It’s like having someone walk into your shop, and you greet them with a smile and a “How can I help?” rather than leaving them to wander around on their own.

The Results: A 125% Increase in Conversions

Let’s get to the good stuff. Here’s what happened after this Swiss business set up their Conversion Boosters:

  • Before Conversion Boosters: 200 leads → 24 Appointments → 8 Sales

  • After Conversion Boosters: 200 leads → 50 Appointments → 18 Sales

Same marketing spend, but 125% more conversions. That’s not just a boost—that’s a win worth celebrating!

And this wasn’t just a fluke. The Conversion Boosters gave them real-time feedback on lead quality, too. If a lead didn’t answer or wasn’t a fit, they could adjust their marketing campaigns quickly, which meant their efforts were always tuned in the right direction. It was like tuning a bike before the next climb—every adjustment kept things running smoothly.

Why Conversion Boosters Work (and Why You Might Need Them)

Having a Conversion Booster on your team does more than just increase appointment numbers. Here’s what they bring to the table:

  1. Higher Engagement: When leads hear from you quickly, they’re more likely to stay interested. Think about it—who doesn’t appreciate a prompt, friendly response?

  2. Better Client Relationships: Conversion Boosters offer a human touch. They’re not just a sales pitch; they’re a “Hello, how can we help you?” which sets the tone for a positive experience right from the start.

  3. Instant Feedback on Lead Quality: Conversion Boosters help you figure out if your leads are the right fit—immediately. If they’re not, you’ll know it’s time to tweak your messaging or targeting without wasting time or budget.

  4. A Smoother Sales Process: With Conversion Boosters qualifying leads upfront, your sales team gets to spend more time with the leads that are ready to go. Everyone’s time is well spent.

Ready to Get Started with Your Own Conversion Boosters?

If you’re feeling like leads are slipping away, or if your growth feels a bit stuck, adding Conversion Boosters could be the answer. Here’s how to get going:

  1. Define the Role: Decide what you want your Conversion Boosters to focus on. Qualifying leads? Booking appointments? Get clear on their goals so they can deliver.

  2. Create a Quick Response Process: Make sure new leads are contacted within 5-10 minutes. Automated alerts, workflows, or CRM tools can help keep this process on point.

  3. Build a High-Impact Script: Equip your Conversion Boosters with a script that prioritises connection, not conversion. Keep it light and focused on the lead’s needs. A friendly intro, a few qualifying questions, and a warm close can go a long way.

  4. Keep Tabs and Adjust: Track how things are going. Look for patterns, note the quality of leads, and be ready to make tweaks to your strategy based on what your Conversion Boosters learn.

Small Changes, Big Wins

Sometimes, the biggest results come from the simplest changes. By putting Conversion Boosters at the forefront of their lead process, our Swiss client saw their conversions jump—without needing a bigger budget or more complex marketing strategies.

So, what could a Conversion Booster do for your business?

Curious to find out? Get in touch, and we can chat about how a few small changes could help you turn those leads into clients. After all, who doesn’t love a good win?

Roberto Dal Corso

Hope you found this useful.


P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here’s one way I can help:

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Roberto Dal Corso is an entrepreneur and business strategist, founder of Dal Corso Group. With over +20 years of experience, Roberto has empowered SMEs and business leaders through his 9-step Masterplan and proven Leadership programs. Known for increasing sales, improving profits, and leveraging AI, his clients have seen significant revenue growth and cost savings. A sought-after keynote speaker and board advisor, Roberto’s strategies have impacted startups and industry giants like Credit Suisse, Roche, and EY.

Roberto Dal Corso

Roberto Dal Corso is an entrepreneur and business strategist, founder of Dal Corso Group. With over +20 years of experience, Roberto has empowered SMEs and business leaders through his 9-step Masterplan and proven Leadership programs. Known for increasing sales, improving profits, and leveraging AI, his clients have seen significant revenue growth and cost savings. A sought-after keynote speaker and board advisor, Roberto’s strategies have impacted startups and industry giants like Credit Suisse, Roche, and EY.

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